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Pallet Recycling Shredders

Pallet recycling is exceptionally easier with the reliable industrial strength of our pallet shredder. Wooden pallets are incredibly useful in a variety of industries, including shipping, storage, and more. However, they are not indestructible, and they will wear out their usefulness after a while. Leaving them within the facility isn’t the ideal choice since they’ll eventually rot, which will lead to a number of other problems. Instead, disposing the pallets through shredding can be done in a very timely manner that can save you on space and money. Pallets can be easily shredded down into a more manageable scrap size that makes it easier to cleanly dispose of them.


Pallet Recycling

Pallet recycling is incredibly easy, and it starts with shredding. Pallet waste is similar to wood waste but requires a different approach. Pallets tend to be bulkier and heavier than simple wood products, and there is the fact that there could be metal such as nails hiding within the pallets. This means that the shredder machine must be able to handle both wood and metals when shredding down the material. That’s why Shred-Tech®’s heavy-duty shredders are the right solution since they’re known for their versatility and durability. These high-powered machines can easily handle the job, quickly and effectively shredding large pallets down into a more manageable size.

Mobile Pallet Shredder

The heavy-duty Pronar mobile shredders are engineered to handle the much tougher materials in greater loads. They can handle bulky materials such as pallets, whether they’re made out of wood or plastic. These types of industrial shredders are designed with wide openings that easily swallow up the pallets, and they bite down into them with sharp, durable knives that chew up the pallets until they’re the ideal size for processing. One large benefit of our aggressive slow-speed shredders, besides their mobility, is their cross belt magnet accessory. This handy magnet is installed over the shredder’s discharge conveyor and can capture ferrous materials that happen to pass under it. The magnet yanks them out of the waste stream and deposits them to the side of the machine, keeping the scrap pile clear of the metals that happen to be in the pallets.

Industrial Pallet Shredder

Pallet recycling is much easier and much less time consuming once you start utilizing the overwhelming strength of Shred-Tech®’s high-quality stationary shredders. These high-torque shredder machines can handle a wide variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. They are designed with wide openings that can easily accommodate the width and length of most pallets. The shredders are also equipped with solid, sharp, and durable knives that have the strength to bite right into the material and chew it up into the ideal shred size. The entire process takes under a minute to a few minutes, depending on the type of material of the pallet and the size, but it essential saves you a lot of time and labor in the long run. Our stationary shredders operate with a throughput ranging from light-duty of up to 1 ton per hour, medium-duty of 1 to 3 tons per hour, and heavy-duty of more than 3 tons per hour.